
Global Smart Sakhi is a testament to the power of collective spirit (referred as ERJIK in Marathi) Today, Smart Sakhi stands as a beacon of sustainable farming and women’s empowerment. This impactful social enterprise covers the entire value chain—from farming to manufacturing, trading, and reselling. By collaborating closely with women farmers who are part of Paani Foundation , an organization working tirelessly to train, provide resources, and support to adopt sustainable practices.

At Smart Sakhi benefits are equitably shared, empowering women to take control of their livelihoods and offering consumers healthy, sustainable products. Today, Smart Sakhi has a global presence, offering products made with love and care. These products showcase the power of sustainable farming and women’s empowerment. Our vision sparked a movement, transforming Smart Sakhi into a global family dedicated to a healthier, more sustainable future.

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